The world-renowned Hibiki 17 Year Old is a masterful blend of aged malt and grain whiskies from Suntory’s celebrated distilleries, matured in rare Japanese mizunara oak casks at Yamazaki. Originally released in 1989, this exceptional 17-year-old blend has become even more sought-after following its 2018 discontinuation. This 2004 white box limited edition adds another layer of exclusivity, predating the familiar purple box and making it a unique treasure for collectors.
While its collector value is clear, the real allure lies in its beautifully balanced profile:
Nose: Soft floral notes, with hints of heather, rich honey, and light smoke, complemented by dried apricots, oak, and subtle sandalwood from the mizunara cask.
Palate: Silky smooth and well-rounded, with flavors of ripe peach, caramelized nuts, and a gentle spice that mingles with creamy vanilla and cinnamon. The influence of mizunara oak adds depth and warmth, with a touch of plum-like fruitiness.
Finish: Long and complex, leaving a lingering harmony of oak spice, honey sweetness, and a delicate smokiness that slowly fades.